
Hello, I’m Mond!

I’m a former mathematician, and pivoted to software engineering after finishing my degree.

I like Rust, I’ve got a love/hate relationship with Go, and I do my best to avoid learning Haskell to ensure that I’ll remain employable for the foreseeable future. (And won’t annoy my coworkers/friends with unsolicited opinions on type theory.)

I have no clue of web development, and am learning everything as I go. This website uses an adaption of the Low←Tech Magazine’s Hugo setup. It took some fiddling to get it to work.

I will keep tinkering with the blog, and probably rewrite parts of it as I go whenever it seems prudent. I’ve got a list of items I want to improve. Better footnotes would be nice.

Unlike the low←tech magazine’s website, it is not (yet?) at risk of going offline due to prolonged periods of bad weather. Barring exceptional circumstances, anyway.

You can contact me via at contact@herecomesthemoon.net.

I appreciate comments, corrections, thoughts, reproducible issues with the blog layout or presentation, and probably whatever else you have.